Interesting Stories by Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation
Sweet Home, Kentucky!
Thanks to one of our volunteers, a beautiful female Box Turtle returned home this past Saturday after over a year of forced relocation. I can only believe that she was relieved and happy to be home again after such a long journey. Her journey started over a year ago when she was crossing the road…
Rising Above the Muck
Inconvenienced by finding an injured bird, I explained that doing the right thing usually isn’t convenient. Although she appeared to acquiesce and actually scheduled an appointment to bring in the injured bird, she was a no-show. Fortunately for Flint Creek Wildlife and the thousands of animals whose lives we help save every year, our volunteers…
Beer, Brats and Owls
Meepy, our educational Barred Owl, experienced her first Oktoberfest this evening. The Village of Itasca held a Business Appreciation Night to start their Inaugural Oktoberfest which runs this weekend Friday Sept 19 from 5-11 and Saturday Sept 20 from 3-midnight. In Meepy’s humble opinion it will be one fun party. She was a little concerned…
Cancel the Ark
The flood waters at our Itasca location (located at the Spring Brook Nature Center) are receding. Left behind in their place is thick, goopy, smelly mud. A coating of mud and debris clings to the sides of the cages where our recently painted clean and shiny surface once stood. Some of the cages still have…
Skunks and More Melodrama
Any of you following this blog know about the flooding this weekend at our newest facility in Itasca. First, let me say that the rains stopped yesterday afternoon and the water stopped rising. We were finally confident that the Itasca building would not go under water. Knowing that all animals once in outside caging were…