
Interesting Stories by Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation

Geese Flock to Lake Spring Brook

Spring Brook Nature Center’s new lake, currently surrounding the entire building, now contains a flock of geese. The geese seem oblivious to the fact that their new lake is comprised of flood waters. The flood waters receded significantly during the night but have been rising again steadily during most of today. The water level is…


Anyone See the Ark??

So last Sunday we gave an educational program over at Prince of Peace Church in Elk Grove Village. The church liaison introduced us by talking about Noah and drawing some comparison between our work and Noah’s work. Well, of course, the comparison was regarding working with animals, not building an ark….right? The rains came down…


Great Horned Owl Held Back

Well, we intended on releasing this Great Horned Owl. He was flying great in the 60′ chamber but failed to pass his final exam! He’s back to flight training. Enjoy the photos anyway!


An Unusual Encounter

One of our volunteers called me stating that Old Red, one of the education Red-tailed Hawks at our Itasca facility, had a visitor. Interested, I followed her to Old Red’s mew (cage). I rounded the corner and didn’t see anyone standing there then, looking down, I saw Red standing low in her cage on a…


Birds Released at Itasca Nature Center Today

Today we released the following species of birds at the Itasca Nature Center, home of our newest Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation location: Common Yellowthroat American Redstart Chestnut-sided Warbler These birds were picked up in downtown Chicago this morning by our Rescue and Recovery teams after colliding with windows in downtown buildings. They received medical attention…


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