Earlier tonight, we received a call from a nice couple in McHenry County advising that they had a baby owl that fell from a tree. We went out to assess the situation.
After a physical exam, we determined that the owlet was in fine physical condition – no broken bones or other indications of a problem. Mom and Dad Owl were both present and watching the physical exam from two nearby trees – both disapprovingly, I might add.
We couldn’t locate the nest, but the owlet was old enough to be out of the nest (a brancher) so we got an extension ladder and propped it against a tree that was in between the trees from where Mom ad Dad Owl watched. As darkness fell, I climbed the tree and placed the owlet in the crook of the tree.
The homeowners emailed me just a bit ago to advise that the owlet had climbed even higher into the tree.
In conjunction with the homeowner, we will keep an eye on the owlet over the next several days to make sure that Mom and Dad continue to care for it. We will take it to our rehabilitation center, if necessary, but it’s always better to leave them with Mom and Dad when safe to do so.