
Interesting Stories by Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation

Dog Attacked Mallard Survives

Today we released a young Mallard Duck that had been attacked by a dog a few weeks prior and brought to Flint Creek Wildlife by Arlington Heights Animal Control. Upon admission, the duck had puncture wounds on her neck and chest. She relished the moment by bathing happily.


Another American Bittern Successfully Rehabilitated

Today we released an American Bittern to continue its migration southward. This was the first of five American Bitterns admitted to Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation thus far during fall migration. He suffered from a fracture to the left radius (bone in the wing). The wing healed and he was ready to continue his journey. American…


Love of a Lifetime

As I loosened my grip, he turned a looked at me, wings outspread. I wished him good luck. He turned away and flew towards some nearby houses, landing in a dense grouping of trees. He disappeared from sight. From the south she came flying towards the tree. She landed inside the dense foliage also disappearing…


Red-tailed Hawk Release

Below are photos from the first of two Red-tailed Hawks that we released today. This Red-tailed Hawk was brought to Flint Creek Wildlife’s Barrington location by Palatine Animal Control. It was found down in a suburban yard. Based on eye color and small size, we believe that this Red-tailed Hawk is a male – approximately…


Great Horned Owl Release

Several months after we rescued a large, female Great Horned Owl with a broken wing from a horse pasture, we returned her home – her wing now healed. Instead of flying off to the nearby trees, she headed across the open space towards the resident’s house. I feared for a moment that I was about…


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