In working on content for our new website, we found some release photos and video that I just had to share. No birds were injured in these releases – these are birds that were fully recovered from their injuries and ready for release but simply did unexpected things during their releases. I can only say that these images captured some of the funniest release moments we’ve had so far at Flint Creek Wildlife.
Red-tailed Hawk – we called him Spider Man while he was in the flight chamber:

Scarlet Tanager that flipped upside down (voluntarily) as he left my hand then righted himself mid-air and flew off:

Summer Tanager – I love the look before it flies away:
American Kestrel that was so focused on me he didn’t realize he could be free – these images are sequential:

For more information about Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation visit our NEW website at or our Facebook page at
This post originally was written by Dawn Keller, Founder and Director of Flint Creek Wildlife, for North American Birding